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191 Amy Deborah Rose

Page history last edited by Waynne James 9 years, 4 months ago

April 14, 1951 - Living



Personal Data

Dr. Rose is lives in Illinois. She retired from her position at Northern Illinois University in 2012. Her post-retirement life remains centered on

her academic pursuits-including her current work on a new textbook on the Foundations of Adult Education.  She has been married since 1986 and has three children. 




1980- ABD American History,  Columbia University, N.Y., Orals passed in October, (Minor in History of Higher Education)


1979- Ed.D. Adult Education, Columbia University, Teachers College, N.Y.  (Minor in Higher Education)


1976- M.A. Adult Education, Columbia University, Teachers College, N.Y.


1974-M.A. Medieval History, Columbia University


1972-A.B. With Distinction, History, University of Rochester, Rochester, N.Y. 





Northern Illinois University Faculty and Teaching Experience:


Faculty, Adult & Higher Education, DeKalb, IL., Department 1986- 2012.  


Emeritus Professor, 2012- Present.


Professor, 1998 - 2012;


Associate Professor with tenure, 1992 - 1998;


Assistant Professor, 1986-1992.


Acting Faculty Chair, Spring, 1995.  


Chair, Department of Counseling, Adult and Health Education, 2000 - July, 2003. 


Interim Chair, Department of Counseling, Adult and Health Education, 1999 – 2000. 


Past Teaching Experience:


Adjunct Assistant Professor, Teachers College, Columbia University, N.Y. 1983; 1986. Adult Education Guided Independent Study program. Course on Adult Learning and Education: Theory and Practice; dissertation advisement.


Adjunct Assistant Professor, LaGuardia Community College, Long Island City, N.Y., Sept.1981  Aug.1982. Course on Neighborhood History emphasizing oral history and local resources.


Teaching Assistant, Columbia University Spring, 1981 American History survey course. 


Adjunct Assistant Professor, City College of New York, Spring,1979. Course on the design and implementation of education programs for diverse learner groups such as women, older adults, and people of color.


Teacher Trainer, New York City Technical College, Brooklyn, N.Y., 1978. Project on Training Older Adults as Peer Teachers in Ethnic Heritage Studies.  Designed and taught course on group dynamics and communication.


Course Assistant, Teachers College, 1977 1978. Assisted in teaching introductory course on adult education; designed and taught course on program evaluation.


Visiting Faculty Positions:


University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA.  Frank Talbott Jr. Visiting Professor, Curry School of Education, Spring 2014


Seattle University, Seattle, WA  2012-2013 William Allen Endowed Chair and Distinguished Professor.


Research and Administrative positions:


Assistant Dean for Assessment, Empire State College, State University of New York, Hartsdale, N.Y., 1982 1986. Coordinated the assessment process, involving work with students and faculty on degree program design and the evaluation of prior learning. 


Project Coordinator and Research Director, Community History Calendar, LaGuardia  Community College Long Island City, N.Y. June December, 1981. Coordinated production of 1982 Community History Calendar; collected photographs, interviewed community participants, researched historical issues; wrote all copy and press releases.            


Research Assistant, Center for the Social Sciences Columbia University, N.Y., Sept.,1980 Aug., 1981. Research project on the History of the Academic Profession.  Performed elementary quantitative analyses; identified, investigated, and critically evaluated relevant primary sources.


Coordinator, Advisement and Placement Services, District 65/Hofstra University, Institute of Applied Social Science  N.Y., N.Y.,March 1979  May 1980.  College program designed to prepare union members for leadership positions.  Advised students on academic, career, and personal problems related to the successful integration of work, family, and school.


Research Associate and Project Coordinator, Center for Adult Education, Columbia University, Teachers College. Project on the Continuing Education of Women in Community Colleges, 1975 1978. A national comparative analysis of women's programs in community colleges.  


Awards and Honors


-Fellow, Kellogg Faculty Seminar on Future Directions in Continuing Education at the University of Wisconsin, 1988 89. 


-AAACE Outstanding Service Medallion, 2010. 


-Phi Beta Delta  Zeta Gamma Chapter, Honor Society for International Scholars, NIU, 2010.  


-Elected to the Adult Education Hall of Fame, August, 2013. 


-Grant from the American Institute for Research (AIR) to study the relationship between Readiness to Learn and Skill Acquisition as measured by the PIAAC survey (May – December, 2014). 



Membership-Professional Organizations

American Association for Adult and Continuing Education.

-Board of Directors, 2001-2003 

-Secretary of the Association, 2003-2006

-President-Elect, Nov. 2006 – Nov. 2007 

-President, Nov. 2007- Nov. 2008 

-Past-President, Nov. 2008 – Nov. 2009 and Jan. 2010 – Nov. 2010.

-Member, Houle Award Committee, 1994.

-Member, New Publications Committee, 1997-Present


Commission of Professors of Adult Education

-Developed survey to graduate programs in adult education in North America to develop a directory. Joint project with the Commission of Professors of Adult Education and the Office of  Research and Evaluation in Adult Continuing Education. (1989-90).

-Ad Hoc Committee on Reorganization, member, 1995

-Steering Committee Member, 2001-2003.  


American Educational Research Association

-Member Program Committee, Division F, 1992

-Program Committee SIG on Literacy, 1994. 

-Secretary//Treasurer Adult Literacy and Adult Education SIG, 2012-2014

-Member at Large, Board of Adult Literacy and Adult Education SIG, 2014-2016 


Adult Education Research Conference.

-Site coordinator for 1999 conference. Member, Steering Committee, 1999-2001. 


Midwest History of Education Society,

-President, 1991-92

-Vice President and Program Chair, 1990-91

-Secretary, 1989-1990

-Program Committee, 1994


Midwest Research to Practice Conference 

-Member local planning committee for 1990 conference.  

-Member local planning committee for 1995 conference (1994-95).

-Steering Committee member, 1995-Present


Midwest Educational Research Association

-Chair, Division F, 2003-2004.


Professional Interest Areas

The History of Adult Education, Policy and Development, Women's Issues, Labor Issues, Higher Education


Major Contributions to Adult Education

Former president of the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education. Researched and presented on the history and evolution of policy around adult education. 


Additional Resources


Photo Gallery





Rose, A. D. (2008 Published 2009). AAACE: Where are we going and where have we been? The future of AAACE in light of its past. Adult Learning, 19 (1 & 2), pp. 34-36. 


Rose, A. D. (2011). Perspectives on adult education: Reflections on the 2010 Handbook of Adult and continuing Education. Adult Learning, 22(2), pp. 43-44.


Rose, A. D. (2013). From policy to training: The conundrum of green jobs. Adult Learning, 24(1), pp.47-49.


Rose, A. D. (Ed) (2006). Many Roads: NIU Doctoral student research in adult education. Thresholds in education, 32 (1).


Rose, A. D., Jeris, L. H. (2011). Finding the worker: Adult education and workers' education. Adult Learning, 22(1), 28-31.


Rose, A.D. (1988). The anti profession profession: Adult education in the 1920s. Journal of the Midwest History of Education Society,16, pp. 194-206.


Rose, A.D. (1988). The individualized Bachelor's degree: Some reconsiderations. Innovative Higher Education, 13(1), pp. 38 46.


Rose, A.D. (1989). Beyond classroom walls: The Carnegie Corporation and the founding of the American Association for Adult Education. Adult Education Quarterly, 39(3), pp. 140 151.


Rose, A.D. (1989). The dilemmas of equivalency: American colleges and the evaluation of Armed Serves Training in the 1940s. Journal of the Midwest History of Education Society, 17, p. 18 29.


Rose, A.D. (1991) Preparing for veterans: Higher education and the efforts to accredit the learning of World War II servicemen and women. Adult Education Quarterly, 42, pp. 30-45.


Rose, A.D. (1991). A new change model for peace education. Adult Learning, 3 (September), p. 12.


Rose, A.D. (1991). Evaluation trends Capturing the "reality" of a program.  Adult Learning, 3 (October), p. 7.


Rose, A.D. (1991). The vacuum in adult education: Who will lead? Adult Learning 3, (November), p. 6.


Rose, A.D. (1992). A new age in adult education research. Adult Learning, 4 (November/December), p. 6.


Rose, A.D. (1992). America at work: New partnerships for corporate America and education. Adult Learning, 3 (June), p.5


Rose, A.D. (1992). Conferences in the 1990s-How far have we really come? Adult Learning, 4 (September/October), p. 10.


Rose, A.D. (1992). Facilitation - are we asking the right questions?. Adult Learning, 3 (April), p. 7.


Rose, A.D. (1992). Fierce competition for funds keeps research on back burner. Adult Learning, 3  (February), p. 5.


Rose, A.D. (1992). Framing our experience: Research notes on reflective practice. Adult Learning 3, (January), p. 5.


Rose, A.D. (1992). Is multicultural education a radical notion? Adult Learning, 3 (May), p. 6.


Rose, A.D. (1992). Non traditional higher education. Encyclopedia of Educational Research, 6th Edition, American Educational Research Association, New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, pp.



Rose, A.D. (1992). Twenty-Five Years of the Adult Education Act. Adult Learning, 3, (January), p. 21-23.


Rose, A.D. (1993). Framing the literacy crisis. Adult Learning, 4, (July/August), p.5.


Rose, A.D. (1993). Is a holistic management model in adult education's future? Adult Learning, 4 (March/April), p. 6.


Rose, A.D. (1993). Is there an ethics of adult education? Adult Learning, 5, November/December, p. 5.


Rose, A.D. (1993). Participating in the political process. Adult Learning, 5, September/October, p. 6.


Rose, A.D. (1993). Technology - servant or master? Adult Learning, 4 (January/February), p. 6.


Rose, A.D. (1993). Women as learners. Adult Learning, 4 (May/June), p. 5.


Rose, A.D. (1994). Adult Education as Federal Policy: The Search for a Literacy Agenda. PAACE Journal of Lifelong Learning, 3, pp. 4-13.


Rose, A.D. (1994). Can the Information Superhighway deliver what it promises? Adult Learning, 6 (2), November/December, p. 5.


Rose, A.D. (1994). Defining the role of education in economic development. Adult Learning, 5 (5) May/June, p. 5.


Rose, A.D. (1994). Do we (or should we) practice what we preach? Adult Learning, 5 (3) January/February, p.6.


Rose, A.D. (1994). Knowledge to action in real life; The dilemma of transfer of learning. Adult Learning, 5 (4) March/April, p. 5.


Rose, A.D. (1994). Moving into the mainstream: Is there such a thing as a nontraditional student anymore? Adult Learning, 6, (1), September/October, p. 6.


Rose, A.D. (1994). Significant and Unintended Consequences: The GI Bill and Adult Education. Educational Record,75,(4), Fall, pp. 47-48.


Rose, A.D. (1995). Adult education in the military - leading the field in innovation. Adult Learning, 6 (4), March/April, p. 5.


Rose, A.D. (1995). Appreciating the new realities of cultural diversity. Adult Learning, 6 (5), May/June, p.5


Rose, A.D. (1995). Expanding the potential of distance education. Adult Learning, 7 (1), September/October, p. 5,8.


Rose, A.D. (1995). Learning to learn in the workplace. Adult Learning, 6, (6), July/August, p. 5


Rose, A.D. (1995). Searching for the mature mind: Adulthood and the development of adult education. Journal of the Midwest History of Education Society, 22, pp. 195-202.


Rose, A.D. (1995). The dynamics of personal growth, development, and change - Implications for practitioners. Adult Learning, 6 (3), p.5, 29.


Rose, A.D. (1995). The ways that families educate. Adult Learning, 7 (2), November/December, pp. 6,9. Reprinted The Adult Education Reader,3  (2), Spring, 1996, pp. 19-20.


Rose, A.D. (1996) The ethics of the bottom line. Adult Learning, 8 (2), November/December, pp. 5-6.


Rose, A.D. (1996). Contract learning. International Encyclopedia of Adult Education. London: Pergamon Press.


Rose, A.D. (1996). Examining the fascination with the learning organization. Adult Learning, 7, (4),  March/April, pp. 5, 15.


Rose, A.D. (1996). Is adult education paying attention to policy questions? Is adult education a right? Adult Learning, 7 (5), May/June, pp. 5, 12.


Rose, A.D. (1996). Posing an ideal society: Adult Education's role in defining a vision for America. Adult Learning, 7 (3), January/February, pp.5, 12.


Rose, A.D. (1996). Telecommunications transformation. Adult Learning, 8 (1), September/October, p. 6, 24.


Rose, A.D. (1997) Toward a vision of successful living. Adult Learning, 8 (5 and 6), pp. 5-6.


Rose, A.D. (1997). Workplace learning: Adult Education as solution and problem. Adult Learning 8, (4) March/April, pp. 5, 7.


Rose, A.D. (1997). How are decisions made? New research focuses on characteristics of context. Adult Learning, 9 (1), pp. 5, 29.


Rose, A.D. (1998). Adult education and the workplace: Old issues, new dilemmas. Adult Learning, 9 (4), pp. 4-5.


Rose, A.D. (1998). Expanding the scope of mathematics instruction. Adult Learning, 9 (2), pp. 5-6.


Rose, A.D. (1998).Challenges in training adult educators. Adult Learning, 9 (3), pp. 4-5.


Rose, A.D. (1999). Adult education as a means, but not an end. Adult Learning 10 (3), pp. 4-5.


Rose, A.D. (1999). Arthur Bestor. National American Biography.  Chapel Hill and NY: Oxford University Press. vol 2, pp. 700-701.


Rose, A.D. (1999). Changing technology of brain research. Adult Learning, 10 (2), pp. 4-5.


Rose, A.D. (1999). Everett Dean Martin. National American Biography. Chapel Hill and NY: Oxford University Press. vol. 14, pp. 589-591


Rose, A.D. (1999). New educational technologies: Connection or autonomy? Adult Learning 10 (4), pp. 3-4.


Rose, A.D. (2000). Philosophy is not a diagnosis. Adult Learning, 11 (2), 20-22.


Rose, A.D. (2001). Differing modes of inquiry and the field of adult education. Adult Learning,11 (3), 23-24. (Appeared 2002).


Rose, A.D. (2005) Educational Foundations. In English, L. M. (Ed.) International Encyclopedia of Adult Education. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 200-205.


Rose, A.D. (2005). Book Review of From Teaching to Mentoring: Principle and Practice, Dialogue and Life in Adult Education by Lee Herman and Alan Mandell. Teachers College Record, 107 (8),     pp. 1418-1423.


Rose, A.D. (2006). Book Review of The advancement of learning: Building the teaching commons by M. T. Huber and P. Hutchings. Adult Education Quarterly, 57(1), pp. 90-91.


Rose, A.D. and O'Neill, L.(1997). Reconciling the claims of the individual and the community: Horace Kallen, cultural pluralism and persistent tensions in adult education. Adult Education Quarterly

47, (3/4), Spring/Summer, pp. 138-152.


Rose, A.D.(1995). Book Review of Harold Stubblefield and Patrick Keane, Adult Education in the American Experience. Adult Education Quarterly, 45(4), pp. 227-231.


Scully-Russ, E., Rose, A.D., & Glowacki-Dudka, M. (2013). Green jobs: Job training and career pathways. Adult Learning, 24(1), pp. 3-5.


Scully-Russ, E., Rose, A.D., & Glowacki-Dudka, M. (2013). Special issue on green jobs, the green economy, and adult education. Adult Learning, 24 (1).


Smith, M. C. & Rose, A. D. (2002) Using a Learning Organization Approach to Enhance ABE Teachers’ Professional Development. Focus on Basics, 5 (D).pp. 12-15.


Smith, R. L. & Rose, A. D. (2011) Special issue on labor and workplace education. Adult Learning, 22(1).


Smith, R. L., Rose, A. D. (2011). Labor's involvement in workplace education. Adult Learning, 22(1), 4-5.






Ross-Gordon, J. M., Rose, A. D. and Kasworm, C.  (Under Contract).  Professional Foundations of Adult and Continuing Education.  San Francisco: Wiley.


Kasworm, C., Rose, A. D., & Ross-Gordon, J. Eds. (2010). Handbook of Adult and Continuing Education. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. 


Rose, A.D. and Leahy, M. (Eds.) (1997). Issues in Assessment. New Directions in Adult Continuing Education. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, Publishers. 


Rose, A.D.  (1991). Ends or Means: An Overview of the History of the Adult Education Act. Columbus OH: ERIC Clearinghouse on Adult, Career, and Vocational Education. 



 Rose, A. D. (In Press).  Searching for the women in a defeminized past: America adult education between the wars. In G. Bersch and S. Imel (Eds). North American Handbook of Early Women Adult Educators, 1925-1950. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.


Rose, A.  (2013). From the Quixotic to the pragmatic:  The Hamburg Declaration, adult education, and work. In, T. Nesbit and M Welton (Eds). Adult Education and Learning in Precarious Age: The Hamburg Declaration Revisited. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, 138, pp. 39-28.


 Kasworm, C., Rose, A. D., & Ross-Gordon, J. M. (2010).  Introduction: Adult and Continuing Education as an intellectual commons. In Kasworm, C., Rose, A. D., & Ross-Gordon, J. M. (Eds.)         (2010). Handbook of Adult and Continuing Education. (pp.1-10). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.  (Alphabetical order).


Kasworm, C., Rose, A. D., & Ross-Gordon, J. M. (2010).  Conclusion: Looking back, looking forward. In Kasworm, C., Rose, A. D., & Ross-Gordon, J. M. (Eds.) (2010). Handbook of Adult and          Continuing Education. (pp.441-451). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.  (Alphabetical order)


Rose, A.D. (1997). From self-culture to self-direction: An historical analysis of self-directed learning. In Long, H. and Associates, Expanding horizons in self-directed learning. Norman, Oklahoma: Public managers Center, University of Oklahoma, pp.13-26.


Rose, A.D. (1996). Group learning in adult education: Its historical roots. In Imel, S. (Ed.) Learning in groups: Exploring fundamental principles, new uses, and emerging opportunities. New          Directions for Adult and Continuing Education,71, (Fall). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 3-14.


Rose, A.D. (1992). Visions of Leadership: Understanding the Research Literature. In Edelson, P. (Ed.) Rethinking leadership, in adult and continuing education, New Directions for Adult and         Continuing Education, 56 (Winter),  San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, pp.83-94.


Rose, A.D. (1992). Literacy education in the U.S. In A.M. Scales and J.E. Burley (Eds.). Perspectives: from adult literacy to continuing education. Dubuque, Iowa: William C. Brown, Publishers, 46-55.


Rose, A.D. (1990). Challenging the system: The adult education movement and the educational bureaucracy of the 1920s. In R. Rohfeld (Ed.). Breaking new ground: The development of adult and workers' education in North America. Syracuse University, Occasional Papers, pp. 1-15.


Rose, A.D. (1989). Non‑Traditional education and the assessment of prior learning.  In S. Merriam and P. Cunningham (Eds.).  Handbook of adult and continuing education: 1990 edition.  San Francisco, CA: Jossey‑Bass, pp. 211‑220.



Editorial Activities

Co-Editor, Adult Education Quarterly, 2010 – Present.

Consulting Editor, Adult Education Quarterly. 1988 2001; 2005 - Present

Consulting Editor, Adult Basic Education and Literacy, 1993-Present

Consulting Editor, The Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education, 1998 - Present.

Contributing Editor, Adult Learning, 1990- 201  




Smith, T. J., Smith, M C., Ross-Gordon, J. M., & Rose, A. D. An Assessment of the Factor Structure and Factorial Invariance of Scores from the Readiness to Learn Scale. Paper presented at the Midwestern Educational Research Association Conference, Evanston IL. 


Rose, A. D., & Fleige, M. (2014). Making a choice? Vocational training and decision-making for the undereducated and the unemployed in Germany and the United States.  Paper presented at the Adult Education Research Conference: Harrisburg, PA.  


Hansman, C. A., & Rose, A. D. (2014). Where do we go from here?  The ebbs and flows of professional adult education.  Roundtable Paper presented at the Adult Education Research Conference, Harrisburg, PA. 


Ross-Gordon, J. M., Rose, A.D., Smith, MC. & Schwartz, J. (2014). Expanding the Research to Look at Academic Engagement as a Predictor of Adult Student Outcomes.  Paper presented at AERA, Philadelphia, PA.


Fleige, M. & Rose, A. D. (2013). Continuing Vocational Education Training (CVET) and Welfare Policies in the USA and in Germany. Focus: Programs for low-skilled people.  Paper presented at the European Conference on Educational Research, Istanbul, Turkey. 


Rose, A. D., Smith, M. C., Ross-Gordon, J., Hitchcock, A. D., & Schwartz, J. (2013) Terms of Engagement: Adults’ Experience in Higher Education.  Paper presented at AERC, St. Louis, MO.


Rose, A. D., & Stuckey, B. D. (2013).  Creating Opportunities for Adults:  Expanding Access through Federal Funding Policies.  Roundtable presented at AERA, San Francisco. 


Rose, A. D., Smith, M. C., Ross-Gordon, R., Hitchcock, A .D., Schwartz, J., & Robinson, M. (2013).   Searching for the adult on campus: Issues of persistence, retention, engagement, and grit . Paper presented at the European Society for Research on the Education of Adults (ESREA) conference on non-traditional students in higher education: Looking beyond (in) success and dropout, Faro, Portugal. 


McMillan, C., Rose, A. D., & Piper, T. (2013).  The Role of Self-Directed Learning and the Connection to Endurance Exercise. Paper presented at the International Self-Directed Learning Symposium, Cocoa Beach, FL.  


La Montagne, R. & Rose, A.D. (2013).  Facing ethical dilemmas in the workplace.  Paper presented at the Academy of Human Resource Development (AHRD).  Alexandria, VA. 

Rose, A. D. & Stuckey, B. D. (2012)  Funding innovative programs for adults:  Searching for policy on the improvement of higher education.  Paper presented at the Adult Education Research Conference, Saratoga, Springs, NY.


LaMontagne, R., & Rose, A. D. (2012, March). Constructing Narratives of Ethical Decision-Making in the Workplace. Paper presented at ESREA Conference on Narrative, Odense, Denmark.


McMillan, C., & Rose, A. D. (2012, February). The Role of Self-Directed Learning and the Connection to Exercise Adherence. Paper presented at International Self-Directed Learning Symposium, Cocoa Beach, FL.


Rose, A. D. (2010).  Toward a Learning Society Revisited: The rise and fall of an educational ideal?  Paper presented at the Adult Education Research Conference, Sacramento, CA. 


Rose, A. D., Baumgartner, L. M., & O’Brien, A. M.  (2010). In search of Alain Locke: Historiographic issues and the meaning of a biography in context  Paper presented at the European Society for Research in Adult Education (ESREA) Conference on Life History and Biographical Research., Vaxjo, Sweden. 


Kasworm, C., Rose, A. D. & Ross-Gordon, J. (2010). A Decennium Perspective of Adult and Continuing Education in the United States: An Examination of Key Frameworks and Themes of the 2010 Handbook. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Denver, CO.  


Stevens, C., & Rose, A. D. (2010). A View of Evaluation: Perspectives of Faculty Assessors of Prior Learning Assessment. Paper presented at AHEA, Saratoga Springs, NY. 


Jeris, L. H., & Rose, A. D. (2009) Measuring what we can count OR counting on what we measure: Critical reflection on assessment.  Paper presented at the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education, Cleveland, OH. 


Stevens, C., & Rose, A. D. (2009). Conceptualizing college level learning: Experiential learning and the art and science of prior learning assessment. Roundtable presentation at the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education, Cleveland, OH. 


Rose, A. D., & Jeris, L. H. (2008). Reflection on reflection: Historical and contemporary notions of a core aspect of adult education. Presented at the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education, Denver. 


Giordano, F. & Rose, A. D. (2008). Critical Choices: A curriculum for welfare-to work transitions. Paper presented at the Academy of Human Resource Development, Panama City, FL. 

Rose, A. D. (2007). The ever changing professoriate in adult education: Past, present, and future? Paper presented at the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education, Norfolk VA. 


Johnson, C., & Rose, A. D. (2007). Adult accelerated degree programs: The merger of non formal and formal learning? Paper presented at the Conference on Research on Lifelong Learning (CRLL). Stirling Scotland. 


Rose, A. D. (2006). Adult education, assessment and the neginnings of the GED.  Adult Education Research Conference, Minneapolis, MN


Sarther, D., & Rose,A. D. (2005). An exploratory study of the experiences of Mexican American women attending community college in the United States. Paper presented at the Joint Meeting of the International History of Adult Education and the European Adult Education Association. Helsinki, Finland. 


Kasworm, C,, Rose, A.D., Ross-Gordon, J. (2005). Experts in nontraditional students: Helping the campus understand its changing students population. Presentation at the Association for Continuing Higher Education (ACHE). November, Madison, WI.


Rose, A. D. (2005). Searching for the roots of alternative assessment: The making of the GED. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association, Toronto Canada. 


Rose, A. D. (2004). The General Educational Development Examination and the roots of equivalency in American educational testing. Paper Presented at the Midwest Educational Association Annual Meeting, October, Columbus OH.


Rose, A. D., Jeris, L. H., & Smith, R. (2004). “Adult education is like paradise”: Narratives of professional adult educators working in steel mills. Paper to be presented at the Adult Education Research Conference, May, Victoria, British Columbia. 


Rose, A .D., Jeris, L. H., & Smith, R. (2004).  Adult educators in steel mill learning centers: Shaping practice through professional development. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association, April, San Diego.  


Rose, A. D., Jeris, L. H., Plummer, C., & Smith, R.. (2004).   Establishing learning profiles: The initial interview as an assessment process.   Paper presented at the Commission on Adult Basic Education Annual Conference,  Columbus OH, April.


Rose, A. D., Giordano, F., & Click A. (July 2003). Developing community on-line: An exploration of the creation of an on-line career exploration program for the unemployed. Paper presented at the International Conference on Researching Work and Learning, Tampere, Finland. 


Rose, A. D., Lisnow, H., & Smith R. (July 2003). Maintaining a balance: Workplace learning amidst industrial contraction of U.S. steel mills. Paper presented at the International Conference on Researching Work and Learning, Tampere, Finland. 


Click, A., Walk, B., King, S., & Rose A. (May 2003) Critical Choices: Distance learning for the at-risk workforce II. Presentation at the Illinois Association for Educational Communications and Technology (IAECT). 


Rose, A. D., Giordano, F., & Click, A. (April, 2003). Critical Choices: An on-line career exploration & critical thinking program for adults. Presentation at the Commission on Adult Basic Education (COABE). 


Rose, A. D., Jeris, L., & Smith R. (April, 2003). Shaping identity and practice: Professional development of adult educators in steel mill learning centers. Poster presentation at the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Chicago, IL. 


Rose, A. D., Jeris, L., & Smith, R. (2002) Hitting the TARGET? A case study of the experiences of teachers in steel mill learning venters. Adult Education Research Conference, Raleigh, NC.


Rose, A .D. (2000). The shifting ground of adult literacy: Changes in emphasis of U.S. legislation, 1988-Present. Commission on Adult Basic Education (COABE), Chicago.


Rose, A. D. (1997). Forming groups: A historical analysis of group theory and the professionaliza-tion of adult education. American Association for Adult and Continuing Education, Cincinnati, OH.


Rose, A .D. (1996). Discovering discussion: Adult education and the embrace of group methods. Joint Conference of the Canadian History of Education Association and the History of Education Society (U.S.). Toronto, Canada.


Rose, A. D. (1996). Searching for the "pluriverse": Cultural pluralism and the differing dimensions of adult education in the United States. 26th annual conference of the Standing Conference on University Teaching and Research in the Education of Adults, Leeds, England.


Rose, A. D. (1996). From self-culture to self-direction: An historical analysis of self-directed learning. International Symposium on Self-Directed Learning, West Palm Beach Florida.

Guy, T., O'Neill, L., & Rose, A. D. (1996). Cultural pluralism as adult education: Alain Locke, Horace Kallen, and the discourse of difference. Adult Education Research Conference, Tampa, Florida. (presenters listed alphabetically).


Rose, A. D., & O'Neill L. (1995). The individual in the community: Horace Kallen, cultural pluralism and the making of the early adult education movement. Adult Education Research Conference, Edmondton, Canada.


Rose, A. D. (1994) Searching for the Mature Mind: Ideas about Adulthood and the Development of Adult Education. Midwest History of Education Society, Chicago, Illinois.


Rose, A. D. (1994). Creating a middle-class culture: Arthur Bestor and adult education in transition. Adult Education Research Conference, University of Tennessee, Knoxville Tennessee.


Rose, A. D. (1993). The search for an effective adult literacy policy in the United States furing the 1950s and early 1960s. Adult Education Research Conference, Pennsylvania State University.


Rose, A. D. (1992). Adult education and the molding of public opinion: Arthur Bestor, the Chautauqua Institution, and the loss of an adult education vision. Midwest History of Education Society, Chicago, IL. 


Rose, A. D. (1992). Individualism or the making of community: The historical roots of adult education in the United States. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan 


Rose, A. D. (1991). Adult education as social welfare: A history of the passage of the Adult Education Act of 1966. American Educational Studies Association, Kansas City, MO. 


Rose, A. D. (1989). Adults on campus: The G.I. Bill and the colleges. Adult Education Research Conference, Madison, Wisconsin. 


Rose, A. D. (1989). Accommodation or reform: The colleges and the World War II veteran. American Education Research Association, San Francisco, CA. 


Rose, A. D. (1988). Progressivism, individualism, and the adult education movement in the 1920s. History of Education Society, Toronto, Canada. 


Rose, A. D. (1988). The dilemma of equivalency: American colleges and the evaluation of Armed Services training in the 1940s. Midwest History of Education Society, Chicago, Il. 


Rose, A. D. (1987). The assumptions of adult education:  A challenge to the educator. American Educational Studies Association, Chicago, IL. 


Rose, A. D. (1987). The anti profession Profession: Adult education in the 1920s. Midwest History of Education Society. Chicago, IL. 


Rose, A. D. (1987). Individualized higher education and empowerment:  The potential and the pitfalls. American Adult and Continuing Education Conference, Washington, D.C.


Rose, A. D. (2010).  Developing and maintaining a research agenda. Invited presentation, Midwest Research to Practice Conference, East Lansing, MI.


Rose, A. D.  (2009). Taking charge of the future:  The past, present, and future of the AHEA. Invited Keynote Address at the Adult Higher Education Alliance Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.


Rose, A. D., & Ross-Gordon, J. M. (2009). Creating the 2010 Handbook of Adult and Continuing Education: Issues, themes, and emerging directions.  Invited presentation, Cleveland, OH: AAACE Conference.


Zheng, W.,, & Rose, A. D. (2008). HRD’s theoretical and disciplinary foundations: Searching for a common framework. Presented at the Academy of Human Resource Development, Panama           City, FL.


Rose, A. D. (2007).  Is any of this going to work? Trends in Adult Learning? Paper presented at the Michigan Reading Association, March, Grand Rapids, MI.  Invited Keynote for Division of           Adult Education.


Rose, A. D. (2005).  Adult education as vocation or field? The development and contradictions of academic adult education. Keynote presentation at Adult Education Colloquium, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC.


Rose, A. D., Jeris, L. H., & Smith R. BL (2004) How other countries do career development: The innovations of action learning and union learning representatives. Paper presented at the           Annual meeting of the Institute for Career Development, Minneapolis, MN.


Rose, A .D. (1999). The anti-profession profession revisited: The conflicts and confusions of a professional organization of adult educators. Commission of Professors of Adult Education, San           Antonio, Texas.


Rose, A. D. (1991). Issues of race, class, and gender in the history of adult education. Commission of Professors of Adult Education, Montreal, 1991.


Rose, A. D. (1991). History of the Adult Education Act of 1966.  Commission on Adult Basic Education, Hartford, CT.


Rose, A. D. (1989). Challenging the system: The adult education movement and the educational bureaucracy of the 1920s. Syracuse University Conference on Adult Education Between the Wars, Syracuse, N.Y.


Rose, A. D. (1985). From diffusion to education: The development of U.S. adult education. Graduate Colloquium, Northern Illinois University.


Rose, A. D. (1984). Trends in the history of adult education. Miniconference on the History of Adult Education, Adult Education Research Conference.


Rose, A. D. (1983). The meaning of the baccalaureate for adults: An historical overview. Empire State College, Breadth of Study Conference, Spring Valley, N.Y.


Rose, A. D. (1982). The history of adult education: Questions of context and utility.  Miniconfer­ence on Historical Research in Adult Education, Adult Education Research Conference, Lincoln, Nebraska.



Interesting Facts

After earning a BA in History, Dr. Rose first completed a master's program in Medieval history before ever joining the field of Adult Education. From that, ventured into the area of Student Personnel (Student Affairs).  After finding it was not a good fit, she began a program in Adult Education and went on to earn a doctorate in the field. 




American Association for Adult and Continuing Education (2013). Welcome to the AAACE [website]. Retrieved from http://www.aaace.org


Board of Regents of the University of Oklahoma (2014). Amy Rose [website]. Retrieved from http://www.halloffame.outreach.ou.edu/2013/Rose.html


Board of Trustees of Northern Illinois University (2014). CAHE Faculty and Staff [website]. Retrieved from http://cedu.niu.edu/cahe/aboutus/faculty/arose.shtml


University of Virginia, Curry School of education (2012). Index of uploaded employee CVs [website]. Retrieved from http://curry.virginia.edu/uploads/employeeCVs/


Phone interview between Dr. Rose and a graduate student at USF on October 8th, 2014






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