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159 Kenneth Dean Benne

Page history last edited by Susan Merica 10 years ago

1908- 1992


Personal Data


Born: 1908, Morriville, Kansas -Died: 1992




1930 B.S., Kansas City State University


1936 M.A., Educational Philosophy, University of Michigan 


1941 PhD., Educational Philosophy, Columbia University




1941-1973  - Professorships  at Columbia, Illinois, and Boston Universities.


Through a half century of work he advanced adult education as an innovator and associational leader,


journalist, philosopher, teacher and writer.


Awards and Honors 


Recipient of Kilpatrick award for distinguished contributions to the philosophy of education.


Teachers College of Columbia distinguished Alumnus Award.




Benne, K. D. (1990) The Task for Post Contemporary Education; Essays on behalf of a human future. Education Digest. Vol. 56  Issue (2) p78 1 p.


Co-editing T- Group Theory and Laboratory Training


The Laboratory Method of Changing and Learning and the Planning of Change


Professional Interest Areas


The Philosophy of the Education Society


The American Educational Fellowship


The Adult Education of the United States


Co-founder of the NTL institute of Applied Behavior Science


The International Association of Applied Scientists


Major Contributions to Adult Education 


Authorship includes 200 articles and books in philosophy and Adult Education, social science and


organizational change.


He wrote extensively about the laboratory method and change theory.


Additional Resources




Benne, K. (1951). What's wrong with our schools? Nation, Vol. 173, p495-498, 4p.


Benne, K.D. (1965). The Philosopher and Scientific researcher in the study of education. Journal of Social


Issues. Vol. 21 Issue (2), p71-84, 14p.


Benne, K. D. (1964) Man and Moloch. Journal of Social Issues. Vol. 20. p. 97-115, 19p.




Benne, K. D. (1955). How does communication take place. Religious Education, Vol. 50 (5), p. 331-334.


Benne, K. D. (1956). Adult education in the University. Journal of Higher Education, Vol. 27, p467-470,


4p; DOI: 10.2307/1977523.


Benne, K. D. (1948) Approach to issues underlying curriculum development. Journal of Educational


Research, Vol. 41, p561-576, 16p.


Benne, K. D. (1959). Some ethical problems in group and organizational consultation. Journal of Social


Issues, Vol. 15 (2),  60. 


Photo Gallery








Benne, K. (1990).The task of Post-contemporary  Education: Essays in behalf of a human future. New


York: Teachers College, Columbia University.


Benne, K. (1971). A conception of Authority; An Introduction study; New York: Russell & Russell.


Benne, K. (1965). The Social responsibilities of the behavioral scientist. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 


Benne, K. (1950). Education for Tragedy; essays in disenchanted hope for modern man. Lexington,


University of Kentucky Press.


Benne, K. (1950). Essays for John Dewey's ninetieth Birthday. Ipswich, Ipswich, MA, HathiTrust.


Bennis, W.G., Benne, K., & Chin, R. (1965) Planning of Change. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston.


Education in the Quest for Identity and Community (The Boyd H. Bode Memorial Lectures)


From Pedagogy to Anthropogogy: A Challenge to the educational professoriate (6th annual DeGarmo




Interesting Facts


1925-1927 in Washington County he was a rural school teacher. 


1942-1946 He took leave from his professorships and served in the Navy


1988- He was a poet who self published his own poems later in life. Teach me to sing of winter..



The Board of Regents of the University of Oklahoma. Updated 4/30/2014. International and Adult      and continuing Education Hall of Fame. Retrieved from      www. halloffame.outreach.ou.edu/2004/benne.html


 Benne, K., D.  (1908-1992) - Contribution, Concept of Democratic Authority, Social Foundations      of  Education.  http://education.stateuniverstiy.com/pages/1784/Benne-Kenneth-D-1908 -1992





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