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132 Abraham Abbot Kaplan

Page history last edited by Donna Faza 10 years, 3 months ago

 January 12, 1912 - July 13, 1980 






Personal Data

Born:  January 12, 1912 in New York City

Died:  July 13, 1980

Married:  43 years to Beatrice Dresher 



B.S. in History / Columbia University

Ph.D in Adult Education /Columbia University

B.J.A. / The Jewish Theological Seminary




 Before 1945:  High school teacher, a principal, and the Director of Adult Education for the public school system in Springfield, Massachusetts. 


1945 - Served as a lieutenant commander in the Navy during World War ll.


1945 and 1946, he was director for France of the American Joint Distribution Committee. 


1946 - 1957:  Became lecturer in labor economics and Head of the UCLA Institute of Industrial Relations Extension Service. He served as Assistant Director and Associate Director for the UCLA Institute of Industrial Relations Extension Service. 

Working in the Extension Service led him to his second career in continuing education.


1957 - 1966  Associate Director, Director, and Statewide Associate Dean of UC University Extension and professor of adult education at  UCLA School of Education. 


1967 - Finding President of Westchester Purchase campus at the State University of New York. 

1967 - Studying for a certificate from the Behavioral Therapy Institute, and then he completed a two year program at the Post- Graduate center for Mental Health.


1977 - At age 65, Kaplan returned to UCLA as a professor in the Graduate School of Management, and as visiting professor in the Management of the Arts Program.


1977 - Dean of the California School of Professional Psychology.



 Awards and Honors




Membership-Professional Organizations

 In the field of Labor Relations:

American Arbitration Association


As an Adult Educator:

1958   Vice President, Adult Education Association of the United States of America (AEA)

1960   President, Adult Education Association of the United States of America (AEA)


In the Arts:

First Chairman of the California Arts Commission




 20 works in 35 publications in 3 languages 



Professional Interest Areas

Labor Relations

Administration of Arts Organizations




Major Contributions to Adult Education


 Scholarly articles on labor relations


Under Kaplan's direction the UCLA Extension service grew in the cultural and non-credit liberal arts field


Founded the UCLA's Professional theater group which later became the Music Center's Mark Taper Forum


Created the first university campus in the United States devoted solely to the teaching and practice of the arts - Westchester campus of the State University of New York


Higher education and public service



Additional Resources



Recent Doctoral Studies: Socio-Economic Circumstances

and Adult Participation in Certain Cultural and Educational Activities


Photo Gallery



Meet the candidates. (1959). Adult Leadership8(2),43.   










Most widely held works:

Study-Discussion in the Liberal Arts.   

       (2 editions published in 1960)


Socio-Economic Circumstances and Adult Participation in Certain Cultural and Educational Activities  

       (11 editions published between 1943 and 1975)


Making Grievance Procedures Work:  The Southern California Experience  

       (3 editions between 1950  and 1964)


The Cultural Arts: conference number ll, University of California, Los Angeles, April 5-7 [1963]


A study of the Liberal Arts Discussion Program for Adults in the Metropolitan Los Angeles Area  

       (1 edition published in 1956)


A study of continuing education and public service at the University of Hawaii  

       (2 editions in 1967)


21st Annual meeting of the International Society of Blood Purification  

        (1 edition published in 2003)



Front CoverProduct Details                                            



Interesting Facts


Kaplan was known as the Renaissance Man for his extraordinary range of interests and accomplishments; he exemplified the liberally educated person. 





University of California (1980). In memoriam, 1980: Abbott Kaplan, Management: Los Angeles

      Retrieved from  http://texts.cdlib.org/viewocId=hb1j49n6pv&chunk.id=div00052&brand =calisphere&doc.view=entire_text



University of California. (1947). Finding Aid for the Abbott Kaplan Papers. 

     Retrieved from http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/kt5g5005pd/



University of California. (2012). Kaplan, Abraham Abbott 1912: Biographical history.

     Retrieved from http://socialarchive.iath.virginia.edu/xtf/view?docId=kaplan-abraham-abbott-1912--cr.xml



Kaplan, A. A. (1944). Recent Doctoral Studies: Socio-Economic Circumstances and Adult Participation in Certain Cultural and Educational Activities. Teachers College            Record, 46 (1), 56-58.



Meet the candidates. (1959). Adult Leadership, 9(2), 43.





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