
100 Katarina Popovic

Page history last edited by Nichole Menendez 10 years, 8 months ago







Personal Data:

Married with one child 




1982 Bachelor's Degree in Andragogy, University of Belgrade, Serbia

1988 Master's Degree in Andragogy, University of Belgrade, Serbia

1991 PhD study of Adult Education, University of Aachen, Germany




Associate Professor at the University of Belgrade in the Department of Andragogy. 
Editor-in-chief of Andragogical Studies.

Professor at the Department for Adult Education

Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Belgrade

Researcher at the Institute for Pedagogy and Andragogy



Awards and Honors:


Inducted into the Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame, USA. (2011)



Membership-Professional Organizations:

Elected as Secretary General of The International Council of Adult Education (ICAE) (2014, to begin work July 1)

Member of adult education associations (European Association of the Education of Adults)

  • Vice President in Malahide, Ireland (2008)
  • Re-Elected Vice President in Malmö, Sweden (2011)
  • Re-Elected Vice President in Leicester, U.K. (2013) 

European Society for Research on the Education of Adults (ESREA)

International Society for Comparative Adult Education (ISCAE) 

International Hall of Fame in Adult and Continuing Education

President of Adult Education Society in the Balkan Region




Popović, K. (2009): Regional projects as learning provision in the Balkan countries, in: Demirel, O., Subul, A. M (eds.), Further Education in the Balkan Countries, Balkan Society for Pedagogy and Education and Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Kyriakidis Brothers S.A., Thessaloniki.


Medić, M., Popović, K., Milanović, M. (2009): Serbiа - development and state of the аrt of аdult learning and education, Confintea VI, DVV international, Аdult Education Society, Belgrade, Sofia.


Dimitrova, A., Popović, K, Medić, S. (2009), South East Europe - Regional report on the development and state of аrt of аdult learning and education, Confintea VI, DVV international, SEE Regional Office, Sarajevo, Sofia.


Popovic, K, Miljkovic, J. (2009): "Migrations in Europe - new challenge for inclusive education of adults", in (ed) Sipitanou, A.A., Galevska Angeloska, N.: "12th International Conference on Inclusive Education in the Balcan Countries: Policy and Practice", No.10,Thessaloniki, BASOPED, Kyriakidis Brothers.


Popović, K (2009), Adult Education in South-Eastern Europe, in: Gartenschlaeger (ed.), European Adult Education outside the EU, dvv international, EAEA, Bonn.


Popović, K. (2009):  Upgrading and validation to access level 1 and level 2 EQF - Croatia; FYROM, in: Inventory of outreach strategies to enable people to go one step up, Implementation of Action plan on adult learningUniversity of Florence, DIE-Deutsches Institut für Erwachsenenbildung, IREA-Institutul Român de Educatie a Adultilor. 


Medić, S., Popović, K., Despotović, M., Milanović (2010): Functional basic education of adults - programme / educational experiment as active measure, Institute for Pedagogy and Andragogy, Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade and Adult Education Society, Belgrade.


Popović, K. (2010): Learning through networks - challenge to the profession, in:  Medić, S., Pejatović, A.Adult Education: the Response to Global Crises - Profession Strengths and Challenges", Faculty of Philosophy, University of  Belgrade, IPA, AES, EAEA; Belgrade.


Popović, K. (2010); Methodological aspects of surveys on participation in adult education and learning, in: Lattke, S., Popović, K., Trends in participation in adult education in Europe, EAEA, EC, Brussels.


Popović, K. (2010): Obrazovanje odraslih u jugoistočnoj Evropi, u: Obrazovanje odraslih, br.1, Sarajevo.


Popović, K. (2010): Health and the power of informal learning, in: LLine - Lifelong Learning in Europe, KVS Foundation (Kansanvalistusseura), Finnish Adult Education Research Society, European Association in Adult Education, Vol XV, (2).


Popović, K. (2010): Demand and provision of literacy in South-East Europe, in: Regional Perspectives on Literacy: Policies, Strategies and FinancingUNESCO, Paris.


Popović, K. (2010):  Politika i strategija obrazovanja odraslih u Crnoj Gori i evropske razvojne tendencije, u: Crna Gora u XXI stoljeću - u eri kompetitivnosti / Obrazovanje, CANU, Podgorica.


Popović, K. (2010):  Upgrading skills to access level 1 and level 2 eqf - Croatia, Basic education and vocational training for lowskilled workers, in: Enabling the low skilled to take one step up, Implementation of Action plan on adult learning, University of Florence, DIE-Deutsches Institut für Erwachsenenbildung, IREA-Institutul Român de Educatie a Adultilor. 



Prof. Dr. Popovic has also penned many articles for the LifeLong Learning In Europe (LLinE) 

The LLinE is an online journal which reports on all aspects of Adult Education, combining scientific research, and other articles which cater to all of those in the field. 

Some of these articles are listed below:

Popovic, K. (2013, January). Learning motivation-European problem?, LLinE.

Retrieved from URL: http://www.lline.fi/en/article/people/201312/learning-motivation-european-problem

Popovic, K. (2013, January). Youth unemployment-Orientation, LLinE

Retrieved from URL: http://www.lline.fi/en/article/orientation/201313/youth-unemployment-orientation



There are many more articles written by Prof. Dr. Popovic on the European Infonet Adult Education. 

European Infonet Adult Education is a database for online articles written by authors all over Europe. Listed below are some of the articles penned by Prof. Dr. Popovic.


Popovic, K., Maksimović, M. (2014, May). Everything you wanted to know about constructivism in lifelong learning... ...but were too ashamed to ask, European Infonet Adult Education. Retrieved from URL: http://www.infonet-ae.eu/?limitstart=0


Popovic,K. (2013,April). The "Second Chance"-Systematic development of elementary practice based adult education.European Infonet Adult Education. Retrieved from URL:http://www.infonet-ae.eu/articles-science-55/1306-the-second-chance-systemic-development-of-elementary-practice-based-adult-education


Popovic, K. (2011, June). Transformative learning, European Infonet Adult Education. Retrieved from URL: http://www.infonet-ae.eu/articles-science-55/1201-transformative-learning


Popovic, K. (2010, August). New landscape of adult education providers in Europe, European Infonet Adult Education, Retrieved from URL:http://www.infonet-ae.eu/articles-european-affairs-27/1016-new-landscape-of-adult-education-providers-in-europe


Popovic, K. (2010,March). How to become an adult educator in Europe, European Infonet Adult Education, Retrieved from URL: http://www.infonet-ae.eu/background-reports-european-affairs-28/907-30




Professional Interest Areas:

Professionalisation of Adult Education and preparation of staff

History and Philosophy of Adult Education

Methods of Adult Education

Civic, peace and intercultural education




Major Contributions to Adult Education:

Increase public knowledge of Adult Education through organizations and educating people throughout her region and also in other non-EU countries.  Also to establish and reconnect communications with scholars from other countries that have been shut out or  have been severed because of political issues through translation and her extensive academic knowledge. 




Additional Resources:






Participated as a keynote speaker during the International Adult Learner's Week, held in Cape Town, South Africa. 

Keynote speaker for European Conference July 2012



Interesting Facts

Can speak Serbian, German, English and some French and Russian. 






Photo Gallery





International Adult and Continuing Education; Hall of Fame http://www.halloffame.outreach.ou.edu/2011/popovic.html

European Association for the Education of Adults http://www.eaea.org/index.php?k=15798

(Could not translate) http://www.uni-due.de/eb-wb/popovic.shtml

(could not translate-picture at desk) http://www.vreme.com/cms/view.php?id=991475

NESSE(head shot)- http://www.nesse.fr/nesse/activities/research-mapping/training-work-and-lifelong-learning/experts/popovic/

International Adult Learner's Week-Pamphlet and Registration form-http://www.westerncape.gov.za/other/2004/8/alwinternationalregistrationform.pdf


Danube Conference 2012-http://www.lill-danube-conference2012.eu/details/items/3.html

All Publications from 2009/2010 taken from Universität Duisburg-Essen-https://www.uni-due.de/eb-wb/popovic.shtml

LifeLong Learning in Europe-http://www.lline.fi/en/search?q=katarina+popovic

European Infonet Adult Education-http://www.infonet-ae.eu/?start=260










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