Birth Date - Death Date
Personal Data
Born: Schwäbisch, Germany
1964 - College Schwäbisch Gmünd (Teacher Training)
1970 - University of Tübingen (Higher State Examination in Education, Psychology, and Sociology)
1974 - University of Tübingen (earned Dr.rer.soc. in Educational Psychology)
1989 - University of Tübingen (earned Dr.rer.soc.habil. in Habilitation in Adult and Continuing Education)
1964-1967 -Teacher (primary and secondary levels)
1970-1973 - Research employee for Volkswagen-Foundation
1973-1979 - Assistant Professor for educational psychology at the University of Tübingen
1979-1984 - Director of "Courses by Newspaper" at the German Institute for Distant Studies
1984-1993 - Assistant Professor for the Division of Continuing Education at the University of Tübingen
1993-2008 - retired - Full Professor and Chair of Andragogy at Bamberg University
2000-2005 - Dean and Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Pedagogy, Psychology, and Philosophy at the Bamberg University
2000's - Served as the Webmaster of and
Awards and Honors
1993 - Served as the President of the International Society for Comparative Adult Education (ISCAE)
1998 - Received the President's Award for Exceptional and Innovative Leadership in Adult and Continuing Education from the AAACE
1999 - Dr. Reischmann gets inducted into the International Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame
2001 - In this year, Dr. Reischmann becomes an "Honorary Member der Adult Education Society Belgrade".
2001-2005 - Served as a Board member on the German Institute for Adult Education
2005 - Served as a Board member for the European Society for Voluntary Organizations (ESVA)
2006 - Awarded the "Outstanding Service Medallion" by the AAACE
2006 - Dr Reischmann is elected to the Board of Directors of the International Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame
2007 - Inducted into the Scientific Board of the Jan Amos Komensky University Prague and the Board of Supervisors for the Doctoral Study Programme in Andragogy.
2008 - Speaker and Keynote-Speaker at numerous international conferences including but not limited to Brussels, Slovenia, Belgrade, Helsinki, Seoul, Chicago, Milwaukee, and Budapest.
Membership-Professional Organizations
International Society for Comparative Adult Education (President, 1992)
German Association of Education
Commission of Professors of Adult Education
Society for Empirical Research in Education
American Association for Adult and Continuing Education (AAACE)
European Society for Research in the Education of Adults
Board of German Society for Evaluation (Founding Member)
Dr. Reischmann has published eight books and over eighty articles. Examples of some of his popular works include the following:
1978 - Textsammlung (In German)
1981 - A new way in open adult education in West Germany. In distance education. (Journal of of the Australian and South Pacific External Studies Association) (first author)
1986 - Learning "en passant" The Forgotten Dimension
1990 - Facilitating adult's learning by coaching. Development and evaluation of an andragogical model of continuing vocational education within industrial companies. In: Pieters, Jules M./Breuer, Klaus/ Simons, P. Robert Jan (ed): Learning
1991 - Coaching the adult education teacher. In: Henstrom, R. H. (ed.): Global awareness in adult and continuing education. An AAACE Preconference Workshop on International Adult and Continuing Education, Oct. 1991, Montreal. S.42-51
1993 - Leichter lernen leicht gemacht (In German)
1994 - Adult education in West Germany in case studies
1994 - Pedagogy and andragogy: Relation between the education of children and the education of adults (first author)
1995 - CERAS - Course Evaluation Rating Scale
1997 - Self-directed Learning
1998 - Coaching: Facilitating the training of subject-matter specialists. In: Academy of human resource development: 1998 conference proceedings. Baton Rouge, LA: AHRD
1999 - Comparative Adult Education 1998. The Contribution of ISCAE to an Emerging Field of Study. Slovenian Institute for Adult Edcation (first author)
1999 - Adult education in Germany. Roots, status, mainstreams, changes. In: Andragogy Today: Interdisciplinary Journal of Adult and Continuing Education
2001 - International society for comparative adult education - ISCAE
2003 - Why andragogy?
2004 - International and comparative adult education: A German perspective. In: PAACE Journal of Lifelong Learning. The Pennsylvania Association for Adult and Continuing Education.
2004 - Andragogy. History, Meaning, Context, Function.
2005 - Bamberg donates time. Andragogs develop a city. In: Henschke, John (ed): Proceedings of the International Taskforce of AAACE.
2005 - The day after tomorrow
2005 - Comparative adult education. In: English, Leona (ed): International Encylopedia of Adult Education
2007 - Becoming a professor in andragogy - lived history. In: Keith B. Armstrong, Lee W. Nabb and Anthony P. Czech (ed.): North American Adult Educators: Archive of Quintessential Autobiographies for the 21st Century
2008 - Comparative adult education 2008. Experiences and examples. A publication of the International Society for Comparative Adult Education (ISCAE)
2008 - Comparative adult education: Arguments, typology, difficulties. In: Reischmann, Jost & Bron, Michal Jr (Eds.): Comparative Adult Education 2008.
Professional Interest Areas
Adult Education evaluation
Holistic views of Adult Education
Comparative Adult Education (International focus)
Methods and models of Adult Learning
Continuing education in the business and industry sectors
Adult Education theory
Major Contributions to Adult Education
Dr. Reischmann is known as one of the pioneers for bridging theory and practice in Adult Education. Through the International Society for Comparative Adult Education (ISCAE), he partnered the international professional exchange between Adult Education research/practitioners and institutions in over thirty countries. He promoted an open flow of ideas and educational exchanges among people. In 1995, he was responsible for putting together ISCAE's first conference together in Germany and headed the second ISCAE conference a few years later. He was responsible for bringing the principles of andragogy into many fields including education, government, and businesses. He was a pivital force in educating the masses about how countries viewed Adult Education via different lenses.
Additional Resources
Photo Gallery
Paper presented at the American Association of Adult and Continuing Education Conference, 1986:
Interesting Facts
While active in Adult Education, Dr. Reischmann was an active fundraiser and helped support many of the major conferences in the 1990s. He worked as a slide projector operator at a local adult education center in his teenage years. During one of his first teaching experiences with adult learners, he admits that he fell pray to the negative stereotype of treating adult learners the same as children, and this helped fuel his desire to study andragogy.
Bamberg University: Prof. Dr. Jost Reischman. Retrieved June 13, 2012 from
International Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame: Jost Reischmann. Retrieved June 13, 2012 from http://www.halloffame.outreach.o
Reischmann, J. (2007). Becoming a professor in andragogy - lived history. In K. B. Armstrong, L. W. Nabb, & A. P. Czech (Eds.), North
American adult educators (pp. 241-248). Chicago, IL: Discovery Association Publishing House.
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