
15 Jack London

Page history last edited by mwicinsk@... 10 years, 4 months ago

October 10, 1915 - January 13, 1988



Personal Data


Born:  October 10, 1915, Duluth, MN  (also raised there)

Died:  January 13, 1988

Parents:  Hyman London and Dora Sanders

Married:  Ethel Robbins, November 22, 1947

Children:  Robin, Jack Murray, Daniel Gary




1939:     A.B. in Sociology, Central YMCA College, Chicago, IL

1941:     Summer program in metallurgy at Illinois Institute of Technicology, Chicago, IL (390 hour certificate)

1952:     Ph.D. in Sociology, University of Chicago

1958:     Summer Faculty Fellow, Institute of Gerontology, University of Connecticut, Stoors, CT




1931 - 1939:     Lithographer Apprenticeship, I. S. Berlin Printing Company, Chicago, IL

1939 - 1941:     Specialized in on-the-job training with various lithographers while attending graduate school, Chicago, IL

1941 - 1942:     Metallurgical Inspector, Buick Aviation Engine Plant, Melrose Park, IL (active in the UAW-CIO during this period)

1942 - 1945:     U.S. Army Engineers, Grantee Officer and two years in the European Theatre of Operations

1946 - 1948:     Training Specialist supervising on-the-job training in industry, Veterans Administration, Chicago, IL

1948 - 1953:     Research Assistant, Research Associate, and Assistant Professor of Industrial Relations, Industrial Relations Center, University of                          Chicago, Chicago, IL

1948 - 1953:     Instructor in workers education on a part-time basis, Roosevelt University, Chicago, IL

1953 - 1954:     Assistant Professor and Assistant Research Sociologist, University of California, Berkeley, CA

1954 - 1957:     Assistant Professor, Adult Education, University of California, Berkeley, CA

1957 - 1964:     Associate Professor, Adult Education, University of California, Berkeley, CA

1958 - 1970:     Member of Interdisciplinary faculty in Community Development; participated in all training programs for foreign and American                          community development advisory and Peace Corps volunteers, University of California, Berkeley, CA

1964 - 1983:     Professor, Adult Education, University of California, Berkeley

1965:                Visiting Lecturer, Industrial Relations, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria

1966:                Visiting Professor, Sociology of Education, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia 

1969 - 1970:     Visiting Professor, Adult Education, University College, University of East Africa, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

1970:                Visiting Professor, Adult Education, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong

1971:                Visiting Professor, Adult Education, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada

1972:                Consultant, Workers Education Conference on Family Planning, Malaysian Federation of Labour, Malaysia

1974 - 1976:     Director, University of California Nairobi Study Center, Nairobi, Kenya; and

                         Visiting Professor, Department of Education, Faculty of Arts and in the Adult Studies Centre, University of Nairobi, Nairobi,                          Kenya

1974 - 1976:     Academic External Examiner, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

1983 - 1988:     Professor Emeritus, University of California, Berkeley, CA


Awards and Honors


1960 - 1963:    Grant from U.S. Office of Education

1972               Citation for Distinguished Teaching, University of California at Berkeley. (First ever to a faculty member in the School of                          Education.)

1978               Distinguished Service Award from Adult Education Association of the USA (AEA-USA)



Membership-Professional Organizations


Adult Education Association of the USA (AEA-USA) (Member of Executive Board from 1955 - 1958)

Adult Literacy Center in Berkeley, CA

African Adult Education Association (AAEA)

American Sociological Association

Association for Humanistic Psychology

Basic Choices

Berkeley Adult School

Berkeley Center for Human Interaction

Berkeley Senior Housing Association

Berkeley University Federation of Teachers

Citizens for Farm Labor

Commission of Professors of Adult Education (CPAE) (Chairman, 1961 - 1962)

Community Resources Institute

Laymen's School of Religion

Lithographer's Union (Local President)

Service Committee on Public Education

Society for the Study of Social Problems





Jack London was also a contributor to over one hundred articles, chapters, reviews to adult education, education, sociology, and industry periodicals.


Co-author and contributor of several works.  The following are some samples:


London, Jack. (1952). Decision making in a local union: A case study. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Chicago.


London, Jack, & Wenkert, Robert. (1963). Some reflections on defining adult education. Berkeley, CA: University of California Survey Research Center.


London, Jack. (1964). Studies of the American worker. In Blue collar world, (A. B. Shostak, & W. Combert, Eds.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.


London, Jack, & Wenkert, Robert. (1964). American adult education: An approach to a definition of the field. Adult Leadership, 13, 166-168, 191-196.


London, Jack, Wenkert, Robert, & Hagstrom, Warren O. (1965). Adult education and social class. Berkeley, CA: University of California Survey Research Center.


London, Jack. (1966). The continuing education of women: A challenge for our society. Adult Leadership, 14, 326-328, 338-340.


London, Jack. (1967). A perspective on programming in adult education: A critical challenge. Adult Leadership, 15, 258-260, 291-293.


London, Jack. (1970). The social setting for adult education. In Handbook of adult education (Robert M. Smith, George. F. Aker, & J. Roby Kidd, Eds.). New York, NY: MacMillan.



Professional Interest Areas



Adult Education

American workers

Community Needs

International Education

Labor Education

Labor Unions

Social Change

Social Commitment

Community Development


Jack London also traveled to Mexico, Nigeria, Ghana, Israel, Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, India, Hong Kong, Egypt, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Japan, and many countries in Europe.


Major Contributions to Adult Education

  • Leading scholar in the field of Adult Education, publishing more than 100 books, articles, and reports
  • His research and publishing had a board contribution to the early development of the field of Adult Eduction as an academic discipline 
  • His teaching aboard in Tazania, Nigeria, and Kenya impacted adult education when these nations were newly emerging 


Additional Resources


University of California, Berkeley.  In Memoriam;



Photo Gallery



Jack London In Memoriam.wma 






Interesting Facts


Okay everybody. . . in case you haven't figured it out, this is not the same Jack London of Call of the Wild and White Fang fame!!!!

First Chairperson of the Commission of Professors of Adult Education.




Jack London, Education: Berkeley. (2011). University of California: In Memoriam, 1992. Retrieved July 1, 2014, from http://texts.cdlib.org/view?docId=hb7c6007sj&doc.view=frames&chunk.id=div00037&toc.depth=1&toc.id







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