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11 Eduard Christian Lindeman

Page history last edited by Waynne James 9 years, 11 months ago


May 9, 1885 - April 13, 1953




Personal Data

Born: May 9, 1885

Died: April 13, 1953

One of 10 children. Orphaned at an early age.

Intermittent schooling. Entered college at 22, not able to read at college level.  By the end of college, he was able to write articles for the newspaper, plays, essays and poetry.

Married: Hazel Taft, daughter of the Chair of the Horticultural Department at Michigan Agricultural College.




Learned to read as adult at 20 years old

Entered Michigan Agricultural College at age 21

B.S. Michigan Agricultural College 1911

LL.D. Wagner Memorial Lutheran College, 1942



1894-1907         Laborer in agriculture, construction, and shipbuilding

1907-1911         Part-time work on the farm of the Michigan Agricultural College

1911-1920         Editor of the Gleaner, a Michigan agricultural journal

1912-1914         Assistant to the Minister of the Plymouth Congregational Church

1915-1918         4-H Club extension director (based at Michigan Agricultural College)

1918-1919         Instructor, YMCA George Williams College, Chicago

1919-1921         Teacher, North Carolina College for Women (first

1922-1924         Free-lance writing and private research 

1924-1950         Professor of Social Philosophy, New York School of Social Work (later part of Columbia University

                          Several visiting professorships including University of California, Stanford University, Columbia University, and University of New Delhi, India  


Awards and Honors


Member, National Child Labor Commission 1926-1937

Trustee, New School for Social Research 1943

Editor, Workers Education 1943

Advisory editor to Mentor Books 1946

Educational Advisor to the British Army of Occupation in Germany 1946

Honorary LL.D (Doctor of Liturgical Letters) Rockford College 1947

Chair, American Civil Liberties Union Commission on Academic Freedom (1949)


Membership-Professional Organizations

Director, Workers' Education Bureau of America 1926-1937

Executive Committee, New York Council on Adult Education 1933

President, New Jersey Conference of Social Work 1934

Board Member, Council Against Intolerance

Chairman, Federal Government Sub-Committee on Leisure, President's Interdepartmental Committee for Reorganizing 1938-1939

Director, American Association of Indian Affairs

International Committee on Teacher Training

Board Chair, Union for Democratic Action New York Branch 1945

Board Member, New York Association of Day Nurseries

American Association for Adult Education



1912     College Characters

1924     Self-education for Social Scientists

1926     The Meaning of Adult Education

1926     Andradogik: the Method of Teaching Adults

1929     The meaning of Adult Learning

1933     Dynamic of Social Research

1935     The place of Discussion in the Learning Process

1940     John Dewey as Educator

1944     New Needs of Adult Education

1947     Adult Education and the Democratic Discipline



Professional Interest Areas

Adult Education

Group Functions

Recreation and Leisure

The politics of change

Social Issues


Additional Resources



Photo Gallery


A little younger








Interesting Facts

  • He went from being unable to read until adulthood to being one of the most influential people in the field of adult education.  


  • He was forced to resign from the North Carolina College for Women, because he invited black people into his home. The Klu Klux Klan put pressure on the College.  pset by the college faculty trying to tell him how to teach.  Those two years (1922-1924) were spent as a free lance reporter.


  • In the last year of his life, Lindeman was honored at a testimonial dinner.  The chair of the American Civil Liberties Union wrote in a letter of tribute to him, "a catalogue of Dr. Lindeman's activities during this first seventy years might lead a careless visitor from Mars to believe that he was not a man but a syndicate."  On that occasion, Malcolm Knowles wrote a letter to Lindeman on behalf of the Adult Education Association of the United States.  In that letter Knowles said, "you have been the one `elder statesman' in the field to whom the younger organizers of the new Adult Education Association have consistently and confidently turned for inspiration, moral support, and wise. . . ."
  • Daughter was auther of Friendly Rebel book. 
  • Inducted into International Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame. 



KLonopka, G. (1958). Eduard C. Lindeman and social work philosophy. Minneaplis, MN: University of Minnesota Press.


Leonard, E. L. (1991). Friendly rebel: A personal and social history of Eduard C. Lindeman.  Adamant, VT: Adamant Press.


Lindeman, E. C. (1926). The meaning of adult education. New York, NY: New Republic.


Lindeman, Eduard. Retrieved: http://nlu.nl.edu/academics/cas/ace/resources/eduardlindeman.cfm


Lindeman, Eduard. Retrieved: http://www.naswfoundation.org/pioneers/l/lindeman.html


Course ADE 6080 Resource Center: Hall of Fame Document. 


Stewart, D. W. (1987). Adult learning in America: Eduard Lindeman and his agenda for lifelong learning.  Malabar, FL: Krieger.   





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