April 19, 1905 - January 23, 1961

Personal Data
Born: April 19, 1905, New York, NY
Married: Sarah Wolfson, August 13, 1936,
Children: 2 daughters Paula Lee and Beatrice Susan
Died: January 23, 1961,
High School at Townsend Harris High School, New York, NY
B.S., Psychology, City College of New York, New York, NY, 1926
M.A., Columbia University, Teachers College, New York, NY, 1927
Ph.D., Columbia University, Teachers College, New York, NY, 1930
1927-37 Research Assistant/Associate, Institute of Educational Research, Teachers College. Columbia University, New York, NY
1938-46 Associate Professor of Education, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, NY
1942-44 Consultant, Army Special Training Divisions Office of the Air Surgeon, Corps of Engineers and the Adjutant General's Office
1946-61 Professor of Education, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, NY
1947-61 Executive Officer in Institute of Psychological Research, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, NY
Awards and Honors
Fellowship at School of Education at City College
Phi Beta Kappa
War Department Award of Patriotic Service
Membership-Professional Organizations
American Association for the Advancement of Science: Director, 1939
American Psychological Association
American Statistical Association
Gerontological Society
Eastern Psychological Society
Phi Delta Kappa
Population Society of America
Psychometric Society
Rural Sociological Society
Officer in many professional organizations
Arnhoff, F. N., & Lorge, I. (1960). Stereotypes about aging and the aged. School & Society, 88, 70-71.
Arnhoff, F. N., Leon, H. V., & Lorge, I. (1964). Cross-cultural acceptance of stereotypes toward aging. The Journal of Social
Psychology, 63(1), 41-58.
Brodman, K., Erdman, A. J., Lorge, I., & Wolff, H. G. (1953). The cornell medical index-health questionnaire: VI. the relation of patients' complaints to age, sex, race, and education. Journal of Gerontology, 8, 339-342.
Brodman, K., Erdman, A. J. J., Lorge, I., Gershenson, C. P., & Wolff, H. G. (1952). The Cornell Medical Index--Health questionnaire. III. The evaluation of emotional disturbances. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 8, 119-124.
Brodman, K., Erdmann, A. J. J., Lorge, I., Deutschberger, J., & Wolff, H. G. (1954). The Cornell Medical Index--Health questionnaire VII: The prediction of psychosomatic and psychiatric disabilities in army training. The American Journal of Psychiatry, 111, 37-40.
Brodman, K., Erdmann, A. J. J., Lorge, I., Gershenson, C. P., & Wolff, H. G. (1952). The Cornell Medical Index--Health questionnaire. IV. The recognition of emotional disturbances in a general hospital. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 8, 289-297.
Burgemeister, B. B., Blum, L. H., & Lorge, I. (1954). Columbia Mental Maturity Scale. ages 3-12: Individual test. San Diego, CA: Harcourt, Brace, & World.
Essert, P. L., Lorge, I., & Tuckman, J. (1951). Preparation for a constructive approach to later maturity. Teachers College Record, 53, 70-76.
Feifel, H., & Lorge, I. (1950). Qualitative differences in the vocabulary responses of children. Journal of Educational Psychology, 41(1), 1-18.
Fishman, J. A., & Lorge, I. (1959). The influence of judges' characteristics on item judgments and on Thurstone scaling via the method of ranks: Utilization of judges with varying national, religious, and experiental backgrounds. The Journal of Social Psychology, 49, 187-205.
Fox, D. J., & Lorge, I. (1962). The relative quality of decisions written by individuals and by groups as the available time for problem solving is increased. The Journal of Social Psychology, 57(1), 227-242.
Goldfarb, W., Braunstein, P., & Lorge, I. (1956). Childhood schizophrenia: Symposium, 1955: 5. A study of speech patterns in a group of schizophrenic children. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 26(3), 544-555.
Herrold, K. F., Davitz, J., Fox, D., & Lorge, I. (1953). Difficulties encountered in group decision making. Personnel & Guidance Journal, 31, 516-523.
Hollingworth, L. S., Lorge, I., Lund, F. H., Spragg, S. D. S., Williams, H. M., & Lewin, K. (1940). Personality and adjustment as determines and correlates of intelligence. In G. M. Whipple & G. D. Stoddard (Eds.), 39th yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education (pp. 271-305). Bloomington, IL: Public School Publishing.
Jarvik, L. F., Falek, A., Kallmann, F. J., & Lorge, I. (1960). Survival trends in a senescent twin population. American Journal of Human Genetics, 12, 170-179.
Lorge, I. (1940). Psychometry: The evaluation of mental status as a function of the mental test. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 10(1), 56-61.
Lorge, I. (1942). Review of time and the mind. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 6(5), 270-272.
Lorge, I. (1943). Review of the measurement of adult intelligence. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 7(3), 167-168.
Lorge, I. (1946). Gains in hearing capacity in a two year period for hearing aid and control groups. American Annals of the Deaf, 91, 391-396.
Lorge, I. (1947). Intellectual changes during maturity and old age. Review of Educational Research, 17, 326-332.
Lorge, I. (1948). The Lorge and Flesch readability formulae: A correction. School & Society, 67, 141-142.
Lorge, I. (1949). The psychologist's contribution to the communication of ideas. In L. Bryson (Ed.), The communication of ideas (pp. 79-94). New York, NY: Harper.
Lorge, I. (1949). Reading and readability. Teachers College Record, 51, 90-97.
Lorge, I. (1949). The semantic count of the 570 commonest English words. New York, NY: Teachers College, Columbia University, Institute of Psychological Research.
Lorge, I. (1949). Why a verbal factor? Proceedings of the Invitational Conference on Testing Problems (pp. 45-46). Princeton, NJ: Educational Testing Service.
Lorge, I. (1951). The fundamental nature of measurement. In E. F. Lindquist (Ed.), Educational measurement (pp. 533-559). Washington, DC: American Council on Education.
Lorge, I. (1953). Difference or bias in tests of intelligence. Proceedings of the Invitational Conference on Testing Problems (pp. 76-82). Princeton, NJ:.Educational Testing Service.
Lorge, I. (1953). Psychology and values. Pedagogía, 1(2), 45-53.
Lorge, I. (1954). Can you measure men's minds? American Management Association.Marketing Series, 93, 25-32.
Lorge, I. (1954). If they know not, teach. Teachers College Record, 56, 165-168.
Lorge, I. (1954). Individual versus group decision making. Proceedings of the Conference on Testing Problems (pp. 36-42). Princeton, NJ: Educational Testing Service.
Lorge, I. (1954). Review of the fourth mental measurements yearbook. Psychological Bulletin, 51(3), 297-299.
Lorge, I. (1954). Social gains in special education of the gifted. School & Society, 79(2024), 4-7.
Lorge, I. (1955). Groupness of the group. Journal of Educational Psychology, 46(8), 449-456.
Lorge, I. (1955). How the psychologist views communication. Teachers College Record, 57, 72-79.
Lorge, I. (1955). Review of effective use of older workers. Journal of Applied Psychology, 39(1), 68-68.
Lorge, I. (1956). Gerontology (later maturity). Annual Review of Psychology, 7, 349-364.
Lorge, I. (1956). Learning, motivation and education. In J. E. Anderson (Ed.), Psychological aspects of aging (pp. 207-210). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Lorge, I. (1960). Measurement and our understanding of traits. Yearbook of the National Council on Measurements used in Education, 17, 21-25.
Lorge, I. (1961). The influence of the test upon the nature of mental decline as a function of age. In J. J. Jenkins, & D. G. Paterson (Eds.), Studies in individual differences (pp. 428-437). East Norwalk, CT: Appleton-Century-Crofts.
Lorge, I. D. (1949). Trends in the measurement of achievement. In W. T. Donahue, C. H. Coombs & R. M. W. Travers (Eds.), The measurement of student adjustment and achievement: Contributions from the Institute for Human Adjustment, Bureau of Psychological Services, University of Michigan (pp. 85-96). Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press.
Lorge, I., & Diamond, L. (1954). The value of information to good and poor judges of item difficulty. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 14, 29-33.
Lorge, I., & Diamond, L. K. (1954). The prediction of absolute item difficulty by ranking and estimating techniques. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 14, 365-372.
Lorge, I., & Diamond, L. K. (1954). Validity of an objective examination for the placement of foreign students in English courses. Journal of Educational Psychology, 45(4), 208-214.
Lorge, I., Fox, D., Davitz, J., & Brenner, M. (1958). A survey of studies contrasting the quality of group performance and individual performance,1920-1957. Psychological Bulletin, 55(6), 337-372.
Lorge, I., Guilford, J. P., Tyler, R. W., & Thorndike, R. L. (1996). Measurement and testing. In A. W. Ward, H. W. Stoker & M. Murray-Ward (Eds.), (pp. 1-123). Lanham, MD: England: University Press of America.
Lorge, I., & Helfant, K. (1953). The independence of chronological age and sociopolitical attitudes. The Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 48(4), 598-598.
Lorge, I., & Kruglov, L. (1951). The relation between merit of written expression and intelligence. The Journal of Educational Research, 44, 507-519.
Lorge, I., & Kruglov, L. (1952). A suggested technique for the improvement of difficulty prediction of test terms. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 12, 554-561.
Lorge, I., & Kruglow, L. (1950). The relationship between the readability of pupils' compositions and their measured intelligence. The Journal of Educational Research, 43, 467-474.
Lorge, I., & Kushner, R. (1950). Characteristics of adults basic to education. Review of Educational Research, 20, 171-184.
Lorge, I., & Kushner, R. (1950). Educational achievement measures in scholarship and award contests. Review of Educational Research, 20, 76-80.
Lorge, I., & Mayans, F. J. (1954). Vestibule vs. regular classes for Puerto Rican migrant pupils. Teachers College Record, 55, 231-237.
Lorge, I., & Solomon, H. (1955). Two models of group behavior in the solution of eureka-type problems. Psychometrika, 20, 139-148.
Lorge, I., & Solomon, H. (1959). Individual performance and group performance in problem solving related to group size and previous exposure to the problem. The Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied, 48, 107-114.
Lorge, I., & Solomon, H. (1960). Group and individual performance in problem solving related to previous exposure to problem, level of aspiration, and group size. Behavioral Science, 5, 28-38.
Lorge, I., & Thorndike, E. L. (1935). The influence of delay in the aftereffect of a connection. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 18(2), 186-194.
Lorge, I., Thorndike, R. L., & Walker, H. (1950). The program for training specialists in psychological measurement at teachers college, columbia university. American Psychologist, 5(5), 143-145.
Lorge, I., Tuckman, J., Aikman, L., Spiegel, J., & Moss, G. (1955). Problem-solving by teams and by individuals in a field setting. Journal of Educational Psychology, 46(3), 160-166.
Lorge, I., Tuckman, J., Aikman, L., Spiegel, J., & Moss, G. (1955). Solutions by teams and by individuals to a field problem at different levels of reality. Journal of Educational Psychology, 46(1), 17-24.
Lorge, I., Tuckman, J., Aikman, L., Spiegel, J., & Moss, G. (1956). The adequacy of written reports in problem solving by teams and by individuals. The Journal of Social Psychology, 43, 65-74.
Lorge, I., Tuckman, J., & Dunn, M. B. (1958). Human figure drawings by younger and older adults. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 14, 54-56.
Stenquist, J. L., & Lorge, I. (1951). Implications of intelligence and cultural differences; as seen by a test-user; as seen by a test-maker. Teachers College Record, 54, 184-193.
Tuckman, J., & Lorge, I. (1952). Attitudes toward older workers. Journal of Applied Psychology, 36(3), 149-153.
Tuckman, J., & Lorge, I. (1952). The best years of life: A study in ranking. The Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied, 34, 137-149.
Tuckman, J., & Lorge, I. (1952). The effect of institutionalization on attitudes toward old people. The Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 47(2), 337-344.
Tuckman, J., & Lorge, I. (1952). The influence of a course on the psychology of the adult on attitudes toward old people and older workers. Journal of Educational Psychology, 43(7), 400-407.
Tuckman, J., & Lorge, I. (1952). Retirement practices in business and industry. Journal of Gerontology, 7, 77-86.
Tuckman, J., & Lorge, I. (1953). Attitudes toward old people. The Journal of Social Psychology, 37, 249-260.
Tuckman, J., & Lorge, I. (1953). The effect of changed directions on the attitudes about old people and the older worker. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 13, 607-613.
Tuckman, J., & Lorge, I. (1953). Retirement and the industrial worker. New York, NY: Bureau of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia University.
Tuckman, J., & Lorge, I. (1953). 'When aging begins' and stereotypes about aging. Journal of Gerontology, 8, 489-492.
Tuckman, J., & Lorge, I. (1953). When does old age begin and a worker become old? Journal of Gerontology, 8, 483-488.
Tuckman, J., & Lorge, I. (1954). Classification of the self as young, middle-aged, or old. Geriatrics, 9, 534-536.
Tuckman, J., & Lorge, I. (1954). The influence of changed directions on stereotypes about ageing; before and after instruction. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 14, 128-132.
Tuckman, J., & Lorge, I. (1954). Old people's appraisal of adjustment over the life span. Journal of Personality, 22, 417-422.
Tuckman, J., & Lorge, I. (1956). Perceptual stereotypes about life adjustments. The Journal of Social Psychology, 43, 239-245.
Tuckman, J., & Lorge, I. (1958). Attitude toward aging of individuals with experiences with the aged. The Journal of Genetic Psychology: Research and Theory on Human Development, 92, 199-204.
Tuckman, J., & Lorge, I. (1958). The projection of personal symptom into stereotype about aging. Journal of Gerontology, 13, 70-73.
Tuckman, J., & Lorge, I. (1962). Individual ability as a determinant of group superiority. Human Relations, 15(1), 45-51.
Tuckman, J., Lorge, I., & Spooner, G. A. (1953). The effect of family environment on attitudes toward old people and the older worker. The Journal of Social Psychology, 38, 207-218.
Tuckman, J., Lorge, I., Steinhardt, R. W., & Zeman, F. D. (1953). Somatic and psychological complaints of older people in institutions and at home. Geriatrics, 8, 274-279.
Tuckman, J., Lorge, I., & Zeman, F. D. (1954). Retesting older people with the Cornell Medical Index and with the supplementary health questionnaire. Journal of Gerontology, 9, 306-308.
Tuckman, J., Lorge, I., & Zeman, F. D. (1961). The self-image in aging. The Journal of Genetic Psychology: Research and Theory on Human Development, 99, 317-321.
Professional Interest Areas
Intelligence Testing
Adult Learning
Major Contributions to Adult Education
Developed Lorge-Thorndike Intelligence Test
Work on psychology of adult behavior
Laid groundwork for future research on adult learning capabilities
Helped re-write the OPA rules for the military
Developed Retirement grounds
Additional Resources
The Cornell medical index—health questionnaire. III. The evaluation of emotional disturbances†
Photo Gallery

Bowman, J. S. (1991). Concise Dictionary of American Biography (4th ed.). New York, NY: Scribner.
Cattell, J., & Ross, E. E. (Eds.) (1948). Leaders in Education (3rd ed.). Lancaster, PA: Science Press.
Moritz, C. (Ed.) (1959). Current Biography (pp.267-269). New York, NY: H.W. Wilson.
Ohles, F., Ohles, S. M., & Ramsay, J. G. (1997). Biographical dictionary of modern American educators. Westport, CT: Greenwood.
TIME Magazine. (1950). First things first. http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,811678,00.html
Brodman, K., Erdmann, A. J., Lorge, I., Gershenson, C. P. (1952), The Cornell medical index—health questionnaire. III. The evaluation of emotional disturbances. J. Clin. Psychol., 8: 119–124.

Ancestry.com (2006). Historical Newspapers, Birth, Marriage, & Death Announcements. 1851-2003. Provo, UT: Ancestry.com Operations Inc. Retrieved from: http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?h=982608&db=proquestnews&indiv=try
usf.edu (2014). Retrieved from: http://www.lib.usf.edu.ezproxy.lib.usf.edu/?utm_campaign=generallink&utm_medium=dropnav&utm_source=myusf
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