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Added name he goes by and increased font size.
Also removed resource about the award because it is about a different Gordon Darkenwald: Scholarships, Fellowships, Prizes, Awards, Funds (1962 edited). Hunter College. pp.5. Retrieved from http://library.hunter.cuny.edu/sites/default/files/pdf/archive_articles/scholarships_fellowships_prizes_awards_1962.pdf
removede interesting fact because that is for a different Gordon Darkenwald: Has an award named after him under the Geology department at Hunter College. (description below) DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND GEOGRAPHY *The Gordon G. Darkenwald Graduate Study Awards. The Department of Geology and Geography has established the Graduate Study Awards of the Department of Geology and Geography, renamed the Gordon G. Darlcenwald Graduate Study Awards, to be granted semiannually to a senior or seniors for graduate work
added: 1986 Adult literacy education: A review of the research and priorities for future inquiry
added: 1981 Retaining Adult Students
Added: 1972 Occasional Papers: Development Demonstration and Dissemination: Case Studies of Selected Special Projects in Adult Basic Education
Added image of textbook. Image from: http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/71FLCRZZf0L.jpg